
trive®.me is a trademark of EDAG Engineering GmbH.


EDAG Engineering GmbH
represented by the Board of Managing Directors:
Harald Keller
Holger Merz

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the EDAG Engineering GmbH:
Georg Denoke

Registration Court: District Court Wiesbaden, HRB 28257
Ust.-Id: DE 292 939 239
Head office: Kreuzberger Ring 40, 65205 Wiesbaden
Tel.: +49 611 7375-0
Fax: +49 611 7375-265
E-mail: info[at]


EDAG Engineering GmbH
Alexander Süssemilch
Reesbergstraße 1
D-36039 Fulda
Tel.: +49 661 6000-25854
E-Mail: suessemilch[at]


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EDAG Engineering GmbH want to present themselves to you through an innovative and informative website. The intellectual property as well as patents, trademarks and copyright are protected. This website does not give a licence to use the intellectual property of EDAG Engineering GmbH or third parties.

© 2023 EDAG Engineering GmbH